terrible news; the Detroit Lions head coach has declare that…

                Detroit Lions heading into the playoffs have Rushford’s Steve Heiden on their coaching staff. 

  Detroit Lions coach Dan Campbell news conference: What he said

After spending the previous ten seasons with the Arizona Cardinals, Steve Heiden is in his first year as the tight ends coach with the Detroit Lions. 2023 saw the Lions win the NFC North Division.

ROCHESTER — Steve Heiden of Rushford is a coach for the Detroit Lions, who captured the NFC North Division championship the previous week.

Heiden, 47, is in his first season as an NFL coach with the Lions, although this is his eleventh overall. He coaches Detroit’s tight ends. He was the tight ends coach for the final four of his ten seasons with the Arizona Cardinals.

Heiden remarked, “I believe I have been in the league for twenty-some years, and I believe I have attended four playoffs.” “This is still a unique offering.”

After serving as a tight end for 11 seasons in the NFL from 1999 to 2009, he made the switch to coaching. He was chosen in . Heiden was an avid Vikings fan growing up. And it so happened that the Lions defeated the Vikings in Minnesota to secure the division title.

Heiden remarked, “I’m a Vikings fan from growing up, but it makes it even more special knowing you won against a really good team.” “It was enjoyable because they have a good group of players.”

Heiden has high expectations for the Lions’ current roster as well. Under head coach Dan Campbell, the team has been strengthening in the last few seasons. Heiden remarked, “It’s more about this group of men we have here.” “Being a part of them and sealing it with the guys we have is something special.”

Heiden’s parents did not go to the game because it was Christmas Eve and the Vikings were defeated. And because the team departed soon after the game, he was unable to stay longer in Minnesota.

He remarked, “My parents just stayed home and watched TV.” Additionally, their seats were far better than if they had attended the game.

The Lions will host a game in the NFC playoffs’ opening round if they win their division. Detroit last hosted a postseason match on January 8.

Detroit had not won a division championship since 1993. The Lions have recently made it to the postseason in 2011; in 2014, and in 2016. Heiden claims that because the Lions have never participated in a Super Bowl, there is extra excitement in Detroit due to the team’s performance this year.

He remarked, “There’s a great vibe around here.” Additionally, there’s the sense that “Hey, the work’s not done.” Naturally, winning the division was our first objective going into the season, and it is checked. Now simply keep moving while keeping your head down and your eyes up.

Heiden has had the opportunity to work with rookie tight end

“Sam is truly unique,” Heiden remarked. “He puts forth a lot of effort and completes tasks correctly. He possesses every attribute you could want in a player for your squad or someone you are coaching. I like how he goes about things.


This Sunday, the Lions will host the Vikings to wrap up the regular season. This will be the second meeting between the two teams in three weeks.

Heiden has two daughters and a son with his spouse, Jessica.

He said, “The family likes Detroit.” “It’s great to be back in the Midwest here.

of the Lions. After 15 games, LaPorta had 74 catches for 776 yards.

Sam is truly unique,” Heiden remarked. “He puts forth a lot of effort and completes tasks correctly. He possesses every attribute you could want in a player for your squad or someone you are coaching. I like how he goes about things.

This Sunday, the Lions will host the Vikings to wrap up the regular season. This will be the second meeting between the two teams in three weeks.

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