With 4:44 remaining in the game, Christian Wilkins touched Josh Allen “inappropriately” (again) after Allen’s quarterback sneak. Bravo to Josh for eschewing the penalty of retaliation. I would like to know if the league reviews plays such as these and then suspends players like Wilkins. Wilkins is a “serial offender,” therefore could he possibly be suspended? Jay: Indeed, the league is able to review this. It would surprise me if the league decided that the incident you’re talking to merited a suspension based on the playback of it. Wilkins’ constant involvement in controversies of this nature is odd, and it exacerbates the antagonism between the two clubs. It is commendable that Allen did not lose his composure and accept a fine.
At the end of the Bills’ Super Bowl run, if they decide to stay with Joe Brady as their offensive coordinator, what are your thoughts on bringing in someone like Tony Romo during the offseason? Romo would help Brady to clean plays, inject an outside view of what the Bills need to do better or how to be more unpredictable. He may also be able to help Allen when he has frozen eyes on a player, while another is doing jumping jacks in the end zone.